Exclusive Interview with Jigar Shah – CEO and Founding Director, WPWebElite
Here is the exclusive interview of Jigar Shah – CEO & Founding Director, WPWebElite only on ITFirms. In this exclusive interview, he shared his insights on upcoming tech trends for 2021 and many more things.
Let’s check his success story and thoughts.
1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.
As a Technopreneur I’m very much interested and love “WordPress” continuing this passion for WordPress I started my own agency for WordPress: WPWebElite.
In which I have 40+ WordPress gurus collectively work for WordPress and assist people to reach their goal by following WordPress Tech.
I started my journey since 2011 with a one goal to work for people help them to get success in WordPress.
I always believe on my team and our tremendous work. I lead effectively by showing others respect regardless of their position or title, creating an open environment in which everyone knows that ideas are welcome, and setting achievable but high expectations for myself and the teams that I work on.” So, for me my team and my people are very much important and by building their trust I get to own the success of my precious customers every day.
2. What is your company’s culture? What does WPWebElite stand up for?
At WPWebElite, We follow a healthy working culture which is why we are leading in our domain. We believe in customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, transparency, collaborative working, design thinking. WPWebElite stands for pro-activeness, code quality, integrity, innovative ideas.
3. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2020? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?
When everyone was in so much trouble to manage the COVID-19 outbreak me and my team are very much relaxed and busy in our work as a leader of small and energetic team we are helping our clients regularly and if I talk about the growth then in this time period, we actually increase our revenue and team size as well. So, achievement is to getting satisfactory response from the employee and clients both.
4. Please describe the operational structure of your company- from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.
We follow a very transparent and flexible process for our client. Whenever we get any inquiry from a client side, we have our tech team to assist them technically & logically we communicate with them ask their problems after getting a clear understanding about their requirement and pain point, we have the business analyst team to prepare the detail document once the client give their approval, we give them support by closing the deal by following a kick-start of the project. To manage the transparency of the project we use project management tool to develop, track the project status. After that development the QA team support to check the quality of that particular project once we get all the things done from our side, we demand to our client to check after their approval we shift the project to delivery stage and then support them to deploy.
5. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?
We offer three types of engagement models to our esteem clients as per below Stated.
1. Fixed Cost Model: Wherein client will share the requirements document and We will share the estimation with them. Once we got approval then We will start working on it.
2. Hourly Model: In this model client can purchase hourly slots like 50 hours- 100 hours depending on the task density they are having. There will be one shared sheet with the client where they can check the task details and hours details. So they can get the idea about the hours utilization, For what task how many hours utilized.
3. Dedicated Model: In this model client can hire a developer on a dedicated basis. Client will directly assign the task that they would like to accomplished as per the priority It will cost them 1800 USD/Month and they will get 160 hours/ Month. So hourly cost will be approx 11.25 USD/hour.
We always try to provide best way for client to work. So, our suggestions only depend on client’s opinion and the way they are comfortable. Because client’s comfortness leads the best way to work.
6. What do you as a leader prioritizes- vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?
For me, a true leader always keeps two-way strategies where if I focus on only one side, I think that will not work for becoming a successful business leader.
Every Business leader has their expansion in terms of vertical and horizontal and is an extreme asset of success.
Vertical and horizontal both have their own importance as vertical expansion is the key method to grow horizontal play’s same role to grow.
As a WordPress guru, me and my organization WPWeb always try to balance both expansion we at WPWeb do in-depth research of every latest trends and update of WordPress and this gives us a Crown in the crowd – true WordPress Guru.
7. What is your outlook for 2021?
As the year 2020 was the challenging one for all of us but luckily this time gave us so much time to think, to plan and to execute. Me and my team took this time so positive and useful to rethink our strategies, goals and possibilities. I must say that we will going to work along with my craziest team to follow our this year 2021 full of positive results, great memories and overwhelming with client’s love. This is my only outlook to restart to live with new normal and success together achieving our client’s goal.
8. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?
WordPress is our love. We work, we live, and we serve WordPress. So yes, this year my only plan is to work for WordPress. Me and my WordPress experts sit together check the updates in WordPress and share our views for WordPress trend. We say this WordPress talk where we listen, we work, and we run.
9. You are the CEO of WPWebElite for more than Six years now, can you please share some interesting stories, experiences, and projects that you are proud of?
We became Envato Elite Author in the year 2015 which was our first biggest achievement. We then became Trusted Consultants on Easy Digital Downloads in the year 2016. We are now a team of 40 enthusiasts who love to work on WordPress and have served more than 200 happy clients and 10,000 + happy customers that make use of our hand crafted Plugins.
10. Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any ecommerce development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?
Employee & clients are the first and very important key for me and my organization. So as a leader I always try to understand my people to give them their time to think for professional and personal both so if they will be happy, I will be happy my clients will be happy.
To give the quality work on time is everything you can do for your client, so this is again I always try to make possible, and this is my way to work to have a happy and healthier environment around me.
11. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?
According to me ITFirms are the topmost asset that understand and create a bridge between the client and service provider because now a days they are doing the toughest job in the current market where the competition reaching at the highest point and market is conveying the cheaper to serve. Considering both thing I think ITFirms are the most important and skilled people trying to clearly work on client’s requirement and providing them the best way to work to achieve their goals.
Cheers for the ITFirms!!!
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